KCDS Coordination Office
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Coordination KIT Graduate School Computational and Data Science angela huehnerfuss does-not-exist.kit edu

Organization and quality management

Organization. The school consists of a central, dedicated office and a steering committee (which at first is represented by the MathSEE steering committee on a provisional basis until a separate committee is established). The coordinator monitors consistency of the academic program. He/she is involved in all processes from application, enrolment, up to graduation of the doctoral researchers and is the first point of contact for all questions regarding the school. The steering committee will consist equally of members from the mathematical sciences and the SEE disciplines, and will have an elected spokesperson. The doctoral researchers elect representatives annually, who communicate closely with the steering committee and in this way consider the wishes and ideas of the doctoral researchers in the further development of the school.

Selection procedure. Bi-annual selection events will be held to attract and select excellent doctoral researchers who are motivated by method research with an eye toward international diversity, equity and inclusion.

Doctoral researchers apply with a detailed letter of motivation, expressing interest and commitment to the content of the school. They will be accepted if their topic meets the interest of a mathematical scientist and an applied scientist at the school as supervisors. During the admission process, the school assigns the supervisors in individual consultation with the doctoral student. All decisions regarding admissions are made by the steering committee or a committee appointed by the steering committee. 

Quality management. Customized feedback based on standardized and adapted questionnaires from KHYS will be solicited once a year from all parties involved in the school. Doctoral researchers receive questions about the status of their progress and the supervision situation, and have the opportunity (in addition to the channel through their representatives) to contribute ideas and suggestions for improvement and to call attention to inadequacies. Other stakeholders receive questions that are primarily aimed at identifying potential for improvement, making processes more individual and efficient, and making the school more visible within and outside KIT. The results of the surveys are archived in the central office and presented in aggregated form. Furthermore, the central office compiles statistics on performance indicators such as the number and quality of publications, participation in externally funded projects, innovations and patents, as well as diversity aspects and compares these with average and to-be-expected figures.