KCDS Kick Off Event

KCDS Kick Off EventKIT

The virtual KCDS Kick Off Event is open to all interested PIs and doctoral researchers at KIT. If you would like to join, please register by sending an e-mail to the coordination office (angela huehnerfuss does-not-exist.kit edu) and we will send you the MS Teams link.

What is KCDS? A new graduate school at KIT Center MathSEE starting in winter semester 2022/23 that offers an interdisciplinary training program for doctoral researchers in the field of model-driven and data-driven computational science.

Why? As a result of digitalization, science, business, and society are generating enormous amounts of data, both through measurements and computer simulations. In addition to model- and computer-aided prediction, the extraction of knowledge from data is emerging as a key competence of the information society.
In the future, scientific advances will rely even more on the ability to combine models with enormous amounts of data.

Who is it for? (Prospective) doctoral researchers who are rooted in mathematics or the SEE disciplines (natural sciences, engineering, economics) and who are interested in joint research that revolves around computational methods such as mathematical models, simulation methods and data science techniques.