Tenure-track Professorship (W1) „Mathematics in Sciences, Engineering or Economics“

Deadline for Application 31 January 2024
Organizational unit

Division V - Physics and Mathematics, Institute for Algebra and Geometry (IAG), Institute for Analysis (IANA), Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics (IANM), Institute of Stochastics (STOCH), KIT Department of Mathematics

Job description

We are looking for internationally recognized outstanding applicants who will advance our mission of research, teaching, and innovation at the KIT Center Mathematics in Sciences, Engineering, and Economics (MathSEE). The core principles of MathSEE are multidisciplinarity, cooperation at eye level, scientific excellence, as well as the promotion of young scien-tists. The tenure-track professorship belongs to the KIT-Depart-ment of Mathematics but shall also be connected with at least one SEE discipline (sciences, engineering, economics) and should closely cooperate with researchers from the SEE disciplines.

Your research can be assigned to at least one of the four method areas of the KIT Center MathSEE. With your research profile, you will also build a bridge from mathematics into applications. We expect your commitment not only in the further development of the KIT Center MathSEE, in particular in the form of visible interdisciplinary projects, but also in the KIT Graduate School for Computational and Data Science.

With regard to teaching, you will be engaged in designing the basic mathematics curriculum of the planned degree program Computational & Data Science. This includes the preparation of new teaching content and formats. In addition, you will take part in the teaching activities of the KIT-Department of Mathematics. You will actively advance your research profile and your professional development at KIT, and you will supervise under-graduates as well as doctoral researchers.

You will execute university tasks with a teaching obligation of 6 hours per week per semester, if you have been evaluated positively. In other cases, your teaching obligation will be 4 hours per week per semester.

Starting date

as soon as possible

Personal qualification

Employment is subject to Art. 14, par. (2) of the KIT Act in conjunction with Art. 51 LHG Baden-Württemberg (Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges) as well as to the Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-track Professorships at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

We are looking for an individual who has competitively acquired a high-level junior research group and who starts or continues this group at KIT. This includes, for example, an ERC Starting or Consolidator Grant, an Emmy Noether Group or comparable. At time of application, the duration of the junior research group must still be at least 50% of its original total runtime.

Contract duration

Employment is limited to six years as a civil servant for a fixed term or as a salaried employee. Before the expiry of the third year of work, an interim evaluation will take place.

The evaluation procedure and evaluation criteria are outlined in the Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-track Professorships at Karlsruhe Institute of Technolo-gy. Specific interim and final evaluation criteria will include publications that rank top in an international comparison, very good teaching performance, supervision of Bachelor/Master and doctoral theses as well as commitment to academic self-administration. Special attention will be paid to interdisciplinary cooperations in the spirit of MathSEE within and outside KIT.

In case of a positive final evaluation, you will be offered a full professorship (W3).

Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact, Professor Dr. Andreas Rieder, phone: +49 721 608-42678, email: andreas.rieder∂kit.edu.


Please email your application with the relevant documents (curriculum vitae, list of publications, diplomas/certificates, teaching evaluations, description of previous and planned research and teaching activities, research and teaching concept, description of your own contributions in the above-mentioned areas, acquired third-party funds, statement on scientific honesty, approval letter for the junior research group (if applicable, comments of the reviewers)), preferably as a single PDF file, to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Division V, Head of Division Professor Dr. Marc Weber, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, dekanat∂math.kit.edu.


Vacancy number: 2290/2023


We prefer to balance the number of employees (f/m/d). Therefore, we kindly ask female applicants to apply for this job.

Recognized severely disabled persons will be preferred if they are equally qualified.

As a family-friendly university, KIT is certified as a family-friendly university and offers part-time employment, leaves of absence, a dual career service, and coaching to support the work-life balance.

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