Members Assembly

KIT center MathSEE organises an annual members assembly. The scientific speaker presents the activities of the center to its members, inviting discourse on the direction, organisation and research foci of the center. Finally the mathsee members elect the scientific speaker and method area speakers at the members assembly

Members Assembly 2022

The members assembly of KIT center MathSEE took place on the 20th October 2022 with a report by the scientific speaker of MathSEE along with an accompanying program involving presentation of bridge PhD projects newly funded by MathSEE. A poster session with a poster prize and a small barbeque with the members brought the evening to a successful closure.



KIT Center MathSEE invites you most cordially to the annual members assembly event 2022. The event will take place as follows:

October 20, 2022
15:30 – 21:00
NTI Lecture Hall. 

This year’s program will present the annual report from MathSEE as well as the new graduate school KCDS at MathSEE. Highlights from MathSEE research foci on modelling, optimization and forecasting for challenging scientific and societal applications will also be presented. Finally a poster session and a social event shall provide ample opportunity for networking, contact and exchanging ideas.


The registration period is expired. (2022-09-01 10:02:00 - 2022-10-12 23:02:00)


15:30    MathSEE Annual Report & Discussion
Prof. Dr. Martin Frank
Scientific Speaker, KIT Center MathSEE

Bridge PhD Presentations

16:00  Forecasting

Probabilistic weather regime
prediction: Combining physical
models and generative machine
Learning, Sebastian Lerch-Christian
Grams-Julian Quintin

16:20 Optimization

Bridging the Gap – Mathematical
Optimization Methods and Efficient
Algorithms for Process Engineering
Problems, Mathias Krause-Hermann

16:40  Modeling

HYbrid, NETwork-based modelling of
HYdrological systems (HY-NET),
Uwe Ehret-Nicole Bäuerle

BBQ and Poster Session

17:00 -     Poster Session and Best Poster Prize with MathSEE Doctoral Members